Friday, 29 June 2012

Where to save your photography competition entries - confirmation!



Thursday, 28 June 2012


1. Your photograph should be of something that looks like any kind of face (but is not intentionally a face!) It can be 'found' or 'made'. 
We will leave the creativity up to you!

2. The photograph can be taken using any camera, even a mobile phone. You don't need to have technical knowledge or use specialist equipment - anyone from EWS can join in! Just try to make sure the image is good quality. 

3. The photograph should be saved as a JPEG file. You need to rename the file with your full name and form - eg: JaneSmith10RBY.jpeg or MissBoyle.jpeg

4. You need to save your photograph in the 'Photography blog competition' folder.
You will find this in Central > Departments > Art > Photography blog competition. Drag your photograph in to the folder. Make sure you rename your file before you drag it in. You won't be able to do anything with the file in that folder except for save it. We will then upload the images to the blog.

5. All photographs must be taken by yourself. You will need to prove this if required. The easiest way to do this is to take a photo of yourself with your 'found face'. You do not need to upload this to the folder, just keep it saved. If you win, you will be asked to show this evidence to the panel!

6. The closing date for entries is Friday 13th July so you only have two weeks. Winners will be announced in the last week of term.

We look forward to seeing the entries! Good Luck.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

More information to follow!

Year 9 Nature Photographs

Inspired by the work of photographer Edward Weston

By Mariam Vasim-Tariq 9QMe

By Kawthar Alamili 9MSn

By Ceron McLean 9MKf

By Gabriella Laporte-Virot 9CAn

By Anuja Rasarathnam 9RSk

By Niamh Murphy 9CGs

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Details coming soon!

GCSE Photography

Here are some examples of GCSE Photography final outcomes that appear as part of a series based on the theme of 'Narratives'.

By Millie Buckingham 10RBy
By Grace Black 10RBh

Can you guess what the 'narratives' could be? 

(Clue: one of the images is inspired by a famous play that you may have studied in English!)

Monday, 18 June 2012

We're back!

It has been a busy year in the Art department but we're back and we've got lots of fantastic photography to share with you. Keep an eye out for student's photographs and films, interesting links and that competition we've been planning - coming soon!

Something else making a comeback is The Photographers' Gallery which has just re-opened
It is the 'largest public gallery in London dedicated to Photography' and is only minutes from Oxford Circus. It is housed in a brand new building and is free to enter!